Sunday, August 26, 2012

Church at the Eagle Mountain YSA ward. (first time without Amy and Daniel)

Today i really enjoyed sacrament meeting. Brandt Andreasen gave a powerful, spirit-filled talk about keeping the commandments of God. He talked about Gods love for us, and how He wants us to return to Him again. He talked about how the Atonement covers all of our shortcomings instead of half. I guess some -like myself- think that we do our best and God does the rest, but He covers it all. He talked about how we can always find ways to improve and come closer to christ. He also at the beginning of the talk related keeping the commandments to cooking. He said if you follow the recipe of God, you will receive in the end a big batch of happiness. He helped me feel the spirit and want to be more patient and unselfish. That is something I am struggling with right now. I am always focussing on what makes me happy amd thinking of myself and pushing past the feelings of others. I committed to try harder this week to be more unselfish and christlike. Another young lady spoke on Pres Uchtdorfs talk about "stop it." I enjoy the ward and my new calling as the home teaching district supervisor.

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