Thursday, August 23, 2012


Today I worked in Brother Hillams orchard for almost 9 hours. I've been working for him now for over 3 weeks. We got 37 boxes complete out of the request of 70 for the day. The trees didnt have enough to meet the request. I got back home, mowed the lawn, and then went with DaLee to help fix up the gym in the stake center for Amy's reception. Then after that dad and I went to Daniels bachelor party. His brothers, dad, and cousins were there. (Nick, Adam, etc.) They gave him quite a humorous gift that will remain unmentioned. It was a long selfless day, and it felt good. The only thing I got to do for myself is to type this message before going to bed. We Emily and I have to be up at 5:00am to be ready to leave with mom and dad. It will be an exciting day!

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