Friday, August 31, 2012

Its Friday!

This morning I was thinking of Rebecca Black's video "Friday." Its a hilarious song, and shows (cough cough) true talent! So I was woken up earlier this morning by Toby at 3 am and decided to take him out or he would never stop barking. So I decided to give him his way. When he's out there, he usually takes forever, and I stand out waiting for him in the dark in my garments, desperate to get back to bed because I usually dont get to bed (due to my own choice) until around 12:30 or 1:00 am. So its an adventure. He and I share a room. He takes most of the bed, makes me wake up at odd hours of the night to take him out, and makes my bed dirty and stinky. But i've missed this for 2 years, and now I am glad to have my buddy back. So for the second time this morning its still dark, and two hours ago I took him out, and he is off the bed, and barks by the bedroom door, and scratches. I really dont want to get up, but the thought of a screaming child comes to mind in the near future, so maybe this is preparing me for that future morning someday. The thoughts running through my head right now are: " 1. You just went outside two hours ago. 2. I dont need to go, so you dont need to go.... 3. you really didnt drink that much, 4. and so you must be hot, or you must have a really small bladder." So I take him out, and its still dark. Then I looked at the clock because I like to see how many hours left of sleep I get to have before my alarm goes off. So the alarm didnt go off, or maybe I didnt hear it because I was so tired. It was 6:25, and it turns out Emily wasnt out of bed either, and we both planned to be up around 5:45ish. So it was God filling up Tobys bladder so we could both get to school on time. So its the first time I was actually grateful for his annoying bark. So yeah. That was my morning. Later today I am going to go have a sleep over with a married man and woman, and I will be sharing the bed too with somebody special. Good stuff. Anyways, I will post more later. Enjoy your Labor Day weekend!!

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