Sunday, August 19, 2012

YSA linger-longer and first calling

Today I had so much fun. We had linger longer after church and had a group picture taken for the YSA that was going to be for the temple corner stone. I got my first calling as a YSA district home teacher supervisor. Basically what that includes is reporting needs and overseeing how the home teaching is going as a district. I Keaton Brathwaite for my home teaching assignments, and he gave them to me. Amy is on there for just a week. I cant believe she's getting married in 5 days. She gets back grom her honeymoon a week from this Wednesday. I enjoyed the day. Its so fun to have Emily back. The temple open house was this week and opened yesterday, and the YSA is going Thursday at 7. Its such a blessing to have a temple in our own city.

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