Thursday, August 30, 2012


This morning I kept missing my bus and mom was nice enough to let me take the van. Parking is crazy here at weber. I always get spots in the most inconvenient places, but at least they are spots. I listened to David Osmond on the way down and was able to download some of his new work on itunes and reverbnation. He is one of my favorites that I look up to. He is the nephew of Donny Osmond, and his father is Alan Osmond. (Donny's older brother) I love his style, and his voice. I often wish I could do his work, but I am at the same time grateful for the blessings and talents that I have been given. I dont have room to complain. But I really like David. He is my favorite LDS artist. I would recommend his music.

Buy the Album at

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