Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day of Weber as a Sophomore

I really enjoyed my day. I am so glad that I changed music theory teachers. Dr. Roberts really wants us to learn the concept of what we are doing instead of just chugging down information and regurgitating it later for a test. He has a wild sense of humor and fun that keeps you from falling asleep and said he's worked with the disneyland band, and directed for sea-world, and has a degree in music composition. He taught us a lot in one day, and told us that by the end of the class we will be able to write music, and  if we already can, that we will be able to do it so much better. Dr. Uzur has no negatives about him, but I felt like students had a hard time with connecting with his teaching style and understanding his accent.  So I am really excited about taking this class. Dr. Shannon Roberts told us to forget what we have heard from friends or other people about (silly face, and retarded voice imitation) "how awful music theory is, and how much of a drudgery, and how much it sucks. " He told us this stuff is fun! So I look to him for a fun class and help with things I want to understand better.

I had an institute class, and even though I'm never going to stop missing President Bulloch, Brother Alan Barlow is a nice guy who lives in Farmington and has a sense of humor. But its not the sense of humor I am seeking for, its the energetic, real spirit that teaches you and opens your views of seeing differently enough to change your behavior. My favorite quote is "true doctrine understood changes attitude and behavior." -Boyd K. Packer
This class will be studying Doctrine and Covenants Section 1-70. I took the class because I felt I had a good understanding generally about the Book of Mormon and didnt feel confident about the Doctrine and Covenants. So this will be good. I have Music Theory M, W, and F at 9:30. Institute on M and W, at 10:30. Psychology at 12:30  on M, W, and F; and Orchestra 2:30 on those same days, and also math on Wednesday at 6:30. So this will be a busy semester with practicing on the side, and hopefully a job. My dad and I have been looking into on campus jobs, and it looks like there are some good things there to apply for. I also filled out an application for Seagull Book, and am waiting for a recommendation letter from Ivy, and will try to turn that in as soon as possible. But they are not hiring till October for the holidays they said. I will try to come here daily and update you guys on how things are going. I am writing a new song, and I dont know how long it will be until its finished, but its not about time, its about quality. So ya, thanks for viewing my journal/blog.

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