Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First Cello Lesson accompanied by fun day!

Today Emily, Mom, and I went to McDonalds for breakfast and in my McGriddle I found a long piece of hair. My mom was grossed out and Emily couldn't stop laughing. I dropped her off at seminary (first day of school for her by the way) and got to Weber, walked down the hallway, and found a crawling cockroach. I took a picture of it with my phone and sent it to Emily to show her how my day was going. It was a good day. I went to the practice room and and practiced my major scales using four notes per bow and tried to concentrate on my consistency, tone, bow hold, and fingering. In my lesson Dr. Uzur was excited to see me and was really glad I was back. He told me I am a little more organized than before; but I agree with him that I was (in his words) "wild with lots of ideas, and no organization." He's trying to make everything logical and to get me to think logical because it will help me for my future music career choice. Patterns in arpeggios 0 13 2 1 3 2 13 etc. Teaching that 2 is the tonic, and that you start with the 3rd of the chord. Even though none of you understand all of that, I'm glad to be back and happy to work again with music. Hope that I wont give in to temptations of goofing off and using important time unwisely.

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