Saturday, October 6, 2012


I just had to blog about my day. (Oct 5, 2012) First I went and took my Psychology test thinking I would do really bad. As I went through the questions 80% were on the flashcards that I had studied. I got about a 78% on the test and was so happy. My last test was 66% or something. So I walked out so happy that I had to call my dad and tell him about it. So after school I rushed over to Provo for our mission reunion. I was worried I was so late because I got there at 6 and it said it started at 5:30. But when I got there they were taking a group picture. I slid in the back stage and met Elder Smith. He was so happy to see me and said he was trying to find me on facebook. I was also trying to find him on facebook. I also talked to Elder Kunzler, Elder Miller, Hardinger, Woodmansee, and so many others. It was so good. Kyle Warr came in with his new wife Shannon, and everybody cheered! He was late also so I felt better. Many were late coming in because of traffic. After the picture President Bulloch said enthusiastically: "I JUST CAN'T  LET YOU GO WITHOUT PREACHING TO YOU!!!! HAHAHA" He was referring to the fireside he was going to give us. We all gathered in, and for a beginning musical number President Bulloch said: "Just for memories sake, lets get Kyle Warr up here and perform for us." He said "COME UP HERE KYLE!!!!" Then when he was up, he put his arm around him, and bragged about his talent, and how he's getting things published already. Kyle Warr was like "I dont know what you're talking about president." And president smiled and said "Yes you do!" Kyle Warr played his outstanding arrangement that was so powerful and expressive of "Lord I would follow thee." I could tell President Bulloch was emotionally connected to his playing. Sister Bulloch got up and told everyone that Kyle would go around the mission and do firesides, and one converted someone to get baptized. I thought that was an amazing side of music. She told us to remember 3 things. 1. Show up. 2. Grow up. 3. Look up. She talked about each one starting with Show up. She said, I want you to check with yourself, in your mind, on how you're doing. Do I show up to my meetings on sundays? Do I show up to do temple work? Do I show up to service? Do I show up on my knees every morning and every night? Do I show up reading my scriptures every day? Next- Grow up. She talked about how our missions have helped us grow up, and hopefully we are still mature. 3rd, look up. She talked about President Monson in the elevator saying: "It is better to look up!" She shared her acronym again for JOY. Get your priorities straight and put Jesus first, Others next, and then Yourself last to have true joy. President Bulloch addressed and talked about marriage and how its very different. He said: "YOU THOUGHT THE MISSION WAS THE HARDEST PART OF YOUR LIFE! JUST WAIT!!! IT WILL JUST GET HARDER!!!" He asked if there was any new surprises since they were married. (for married missionaries) One missionary said he learns he is always wrong. Everyone laughed. Another said their baby was the new surprise. There was one baby there. President Bulloch got clever and said that life is sometimes like a diaper. Its messy and it stinks. Sister Bulloch said "I dont know if we want the missionaries to remember this." President was like: "No, they can remember it." He said: "I want to ask you all a question! What's a flurt?" There was silence and nobody responded. "Common, a flurt! What's a flurt?" Silence continued. "MAN, I CAN SEE NOW WHY YOU'RE NOT ALL MARRIED! HAHA!!! COMMON WHAT'S A FLURT?!!" People started answering and he explained: "Yeah, its in the gray area. I'm not committing myself, but I want to keep my distance and feel it out. What are you trying to accomplish?" It eventually led to "A Date."  Then he turned to a scripture in Matthew and read the words "Pray always that you enter not into temptation." President said "the savior didnt say, pray always that you enter not into sin. He said pray always that you.......enter not....into temptation. What's the difference there? The difference is not to entertain temptation, or it will entertain you. The Savior never pondered or even thought about the temptations that came to him. He rejected them immediately." President talked about a hedge and the symbolism of what a hedge does and how the context is used in the scriptures. He said "the people would build a hedge around their city as a protection. Then they would place  a watchman to over look on a tower. PLACE A BARRIER BETWEEN US AND THE ENEMY! Thats what that means! We cant flurt with temptation. Hopefully you all missionaries have not lowered your standards for movies, television, and music. If I went out and turned on your cars right now, what kind of stuff would be playing?! (I had the 89.1 station on so I felt safe lol) He bore a powerful testimony at the end and said in sober, tear streaming eyes: "I KNOW........that God lives............ and I KNOW............ that Jesus......... is the Savior of the world." Those words were simple, but very profound. I hear them all the time from people, but because of his knowledge and expert understanding, it has a powerful, and real conviction. You feel the reality that God really is our Father, and Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that this plan is real when he says it.
After this, we all visited. I shook Kyle Warr's hand, and his new wife's. He thanked me and told me to send more stuff on facebook and to stay in touch. I'm glad I met him before my mission instead of this night. I talked to so many great people I spent time with for two years. It was so good. I thought it was the reward of the year!I went up to President Bulloch and just had to say hi to him. He is the man that changed my life. When I said hi to him. He hugged me and very energetically said: "HOW ARE YOU DOING HAHAHA!!!!! ITS GOOD TO SEE YOU!!" It was the same enthusiastic happiness as when we all met him for the first time when we got to the airport in New York, and felt his happy, enthusiastic handshake. I also just had to talk to Sister Bulloch. I couldnt go without seing them both personally. She asked me if I enjoyed Elder Warr's song because she remembered that I connected with him. Then she asked if I wanted to take home any brownies! I took the offer and grabbed a plate. Every October (friday before conference) is the Bulloch Reunion, and April is Eccersley. After, Suzie Belnap and Whitney Woodmansee went to Chilis with me for a late dinner. We laughed and had a great time together. I told them it was my first date since I've been home. Suzie said it was like a "Polygadate." We all laughed and thought it was great. So I guess it was my first Polygadate in my life. Never had one before that. It was such a spiritual and great day. I would do it all over again!

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