Sunday, October 21, 2012

Nathan's Drawings

This is a photo that I drew on my mission. I've always wanted to see a picture drawn, or draw a picture of the every day work of the adversary. Those spirits lived with us for a long time in the pre-mortal life. They know us really well. Better than we think. They haven't forgotten us. They know what to use against us, and they have Satan as an expert to go to if they have any questions. I put a s
cripture with this picture to help others get a better understanding of what this picture really means. D&C 78:10 which says: "Otherwise Satan seeketh to turn their hearts away from the truth, that they become blinded and understand not the things which are prepared for them." The rest of the stuff like the chicken, fast food, Alien porn, flute, Venus flytrap, were just to comedy up the drawing. I was trying to be as random as possible, and joked about maybe finding some of these things on a New Yorkers porch. But I do imagine invisible evil spirits lingering near by a door when two missionaries come by to invite people to come to the light. Its so real. We dont even know.

This is a character I started designing in 8th grade. I decided to finish it and call him Ricky!

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