Monday, October 15, 2012

Powerful Institute Day

On my mission I felt some unforgettable spiritual experiences. I felt it once again today in Brother Barlow's class for Doctrine and Covenants. He talked about the importance of the sacrament. Right now I feel that its casual for me, and I know it shouldn't be. He started talking about the Millennium at adam-ondi-ahman. He read in Daniel and showed us were it says that 100 million will be present. Not just for our time, but all the righteous in the past will be there too. He said it would be a such a incredible reunion for those people. He said that when we are there, we will take the sacrament with the Savior. Then he personalized it and got emotional as he put into the question: "How will you feel that day, when President Monson comes over to you and holds out the Sacrament tray; and as you reach to pick up a piece of bread, you look up, and on the stand sitting is the Savior, and he looks at you?" This overwhelming great feeling of gratitude came over me as I pondered that in real life. Because I know it will happen just as plain as tomorrow will happen. We sometimes imagine the future like a fantasy that is so distant that it almost seems that it will never come to pass. But when the day comes, it as real, and as nonfictional as any other. I just want to bear my testimony that I know that the Savior has a deep connection with all of us. Even better than anyone else who loves us dearly. I love the spirit and the words of Christ. I pray that all of us, (including me) can take the sacrament with that story in our minds so that when that day comes, we can be ready. I am also grateful that the authority of God has been activated for our day. It has been deactivated for too long. I am grateful for my life. I feel so full right now, and its only the beginning.

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