Get to know Amy Lee! Oct-22-2012
Want to know more about Evanescence's leading
lady Amy Lee? Amy sat down to answer some of your questions and tell
you more about her music. Read on to see what she has to say then check
out the tour dates HERE to see when you can see Amy Lee in a town near you. Also, make sure to follow Amy on Twitter HERE.1. Who do you consider to be your greatest musical influences? Michael Jackson, Bjork, Nine Inch Nails, Mozart, Beethoven, Danny Elfman, Smashing Pumpkins, Depeche Mode, Janis Joplin, Alanis Morrisette, Radiohead, Garbage, Soundgarden, Massive Attack, Nirvana, Neil Young, Portishead, Tori Amos. I could keep going but I'll stop ;)
2. Why did you pick piano and how did you get started playing? I saw the movie Amadeus when I was 8 or 9 years old and was completely enthralled. I knew I wanted desperately to make music, for a living, for life, for sure. I begged for piano lessons and took pride in being able to play more and more advanced pieces. It's funny, at first I was kind of frustrated and hard on myself because it wasn't sounding like it did in the movie- I wasn't a crazy genius who could just pick a whole song out by ear after hearing it only once and I don't have perfect pitch like Mozart- WTF! It actually takes WORK?? Haha. So I worked. It was worth it.
3. What's your latest art or fashion project? I guess my latest art project is my new stage outfit that I designed for this tour. It's a skirt made of flags, representing all of the countries we've been so honored to play in the last year on tour. I was flying home from Europe a few months ago and thinking about how every night on stage in other countries, it's so emotional when we bring out the country's flag. It means so much to them and to us, that we've made it so far. So I thought, what if I could have ALL of the countries represented at once, and show them how much we appreciate and love them all on this last part of the tour? It's my way of showing my gratitude.
4. What are your must haves from home when you are out on the road? Vicks Vapo-Rub, GLITTER, one perfect pair of all-purpose boots, throat coat tea bags, my lucky Michael Jackson T-shirt, and Beth Wilson!
5. What song do you wish you had written? Without You' by Pete Ham and Tom Evans. Not only is it one of my favorite songs (especially the Mariah Carey version!), it's been covered by 180 artists and has touched an infinite number of people. Such soul.
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