Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve Fun!

I thought I would blog on Christmas Eve since it wouldn't be right to be using the computer on Christmas. Its for family time only! Thats what I think. I just can't believe how fast the holidays have flown from Halloween to Christmas. I am still not feeling the magic right now like I used to when I was little. Maybe there's hope for tonight. I am grateful to be home with my family for Christmas. I miss the nights we went over to Grandma and Grandpa's house for Christmas Eve. We would be there with Kay and Mike, Sam, and Alex. There would be a noodle soup with dumplings. We would have a toast with sparkling cider and bacon roll-ups. Then we would come down stairs and Grandma would type up a nativity script and hand us each a copy to read. Then we'd each dress in robes and costumes. I remember we used a baby doll for Jesus and Emily would ride on Grandpa as he crawled on the floor like a donkey with donkey ears on. We'd sing Christmas songs in between lines while Grandma accompanied on the piano. Then we'd go to Christmas Village in Brigham City and look at the displays. Fun times! We'll have to keep it up when we have kids.

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