Thursday, December 12, 2013

Bad Grammar Fun

The funniest thing to me is bad grammar. I simply love it! All of these were found on the internet; mostly from youtube comments. These are mainly my favorites... Enjoy!

·        Dude hes Russian that’s not a fake acenst plusif it was he would say some words clear English
·        i will give all how desire bacon what they forthe word of the bacon demands it
·        Finaly someone with some sens.
·        First I donot know what do you whant telling mesecond and finally, I really do not know yap
·        Im getin soo sic of you not makeing a wtfblnkette 4 hust mak it
·        If you’r a live’ing creature and watch this youshould be a shame on you’r salf
·        I really love Justin and I think they threw Idon not like are idiots
·        Justin Beiber is a stubed and he dimmed SlenaTomas
·        Uh this is buetifuel 13 dislkiers are satan
·        This video is very older
·        Wat u spakin bout
·        She borke my heart
·        Why why didn’t I born in the early 70’s
·        Goodness! How came this up, O-nee-chan? XD
·        She aint cute duh she all dat she duh monni makagyal she fi gwan wit im bid self gwan nicki nicki go jiggy..:p
·        U cant dance get some lassons of something
·        Your comentry is not bad it is good for a personhow has not been doing to for long
·        So hapy for you Judy!! Love you but I must saythat your hair looks a lil napy…
·        Ray gun or pistol hmmm disurgeons disurgeons lol
·        Please…ur everreating bout that whole break-upsichiation…
·        Why does exist the dislike button?
·        U mad jellystrated buttdocter
·        Are u elinglish or japaniese
·        Gurl was walkin2 skewl wit her bf n they werecrossin da rode. (Dis is so sad btw mak U cry) she sed bbz wil u luv me 4evr hesaid NO… da gurl cryed N ran across da rode b4 green man came on the sine. Shegot hit bi a CAR. He whispered 2 her….I ment 2 sey I will luv u FIVE-ever…(datmean he luv her moar dan 4evr…)
·        OMG what a morons
·        Asshloe
·        A pistol is a typle of gun DDDDUUHHH
·        There are 6.8 people in this world and they allhave their own thing; do yours baby girl.
·        TOBY you go smach the third shadow orb as youraudeanse tells you to >:C
·        She is very precicous
·        My boiig bro even if he annoys me ambarses me weget in fights tht doesn’t mean I hte him
·        This song is cool. It’s so energyzeited
·        Uncredible that he isn’t already an billionaire
·        Im crying…in 1991, I was borning, he was dying :(I wanted don’t born to let him live <3
·        MW3=Money Wasted 3th time;)
·        There’s never not not nuttin
·        I find this video entretaming
·        What a quouncidences im not wearing either
·        I’m atheist and I’m and I’m smarter than you,because I’m atheist
·        People the photobamb don’t wonk it’s a jak
·        That year is my born
·        Fisrt one to right like if u starting listreningto this now
·        I was not impresses
·        What did you put in the pan before the tealights? Reply as fast as quikly please
·        On 2:50 is that don’t only you in problem
·        Voice of an angle
·        OMG Jared, you have eyes deeper then the see!!!
·        I am your density
·        I would now this how?
·        Find up something by yourself!
·        Un, gato, me gusta mucho nyan the cat
·        I hate this guy I hope he inurs him slef minorlytonight
·        Gearge Washington vs obma rember Washingtonraisist
·        How years have she?
·        A it was so sad…but then the singer startedcrying and I just burted with tears…
·        But where realtionship ever end if it good orbad where is digest it or not so I mean love happen to one and other areattraction it our time to find to love or the
·        Bet there was alot of put into this
·        Yoo real talk I wanna be jus like u wen I gropup
·        I bet you are a hobosexual hahaha
·        Returd
·        Do u evan know the words ps u look like a dush
·        I thank she not pregnancy but it so sad that shehas to do this I feel sorry for her god bless you and your
·        I love this snoog!
·        Such much genius
·        Smosh sible is hard docgh nozel
·        You’re a genuis. I’m in fourth grade and havevery good grammar.
·        Your very michelle??IS really???
·        What does one say to such a foopaw as this???
·        *FACEPLAM*
·        That’s not silly that’s dangerois
·        Poor fat girl and I thank she is going to be thekiller because I thank the aother girl are macking fun of her because she isfat and whare stubed pajumus.
·        Crappy quility
·        I hate the end of this movie , ending was suck ,but the movie its so good movie
·        Realy realy realy d mst wndrful movies inhollywood evr. I luv this movie n wnt 2 c agn n agn n agn.
·        HAHAHA! This is very Historical haha!
·        She is not retarded she is awesome not likeyou’ll retarteds
·        Enjoi ur faem wile u can, shaena, we r washin un u betr expekt us. cos ur a thret to us. n da noo wurld orter. so ya. wash urbak.
·        Get a grip neard
·        I deen these alot sumome mt fredns have thesepaicks ans these are a mtch idk if tht then now :(
·        80’s dunbass.
·        I love you soo much and the song and all thefriend race to see how rapes faster
·        I get so embressed when I see this
·        You had does better cartoons
·        You are anonning I cant belive how anonning youare
·        Like this isn’t therotical
·        Id el love thesw vidoas eao
·        Why is eeverybody talking about Religoin
·        No bc don’t money for your maybe if lower theprice on yr cell I could get but it look not
·        ppl dnt hate on her I bet she got mo swag thn uchicka I bet u cnt even get dwn wit it CAT DADDY fo all u lil chickas
·        does it gonna work?
·        Time really flies, isn’t it?
·        Instead of Mozart I play vitamin string quartetto my baby. =) I have a suspicion I am nurturing a genuis because of it.
·        Is Andrew that guy from American Idol? He seemsformiluar.:P
·        He’s already marred girls. But I’m not!
·        Such an ignorant.
·        You are watching hentai don’t you?
·        This was a sucks
·        Do every one a favor stop making a foul of yourself
·        I like this is song
·        I had a worm feeling inside when I saw the epicending.:)
·        interdesting, very interdesting
·        ye dog good tha haters watch em fall stay on yagrind homie
·        I will sing this in pubic. That’s a promise
·        Daneboe do why exposed when how effects?
·        That is awome
·        I hope my girlfriend don’t watching thisLOOOOOOOOL
·        Did you see his eyes sparkle in his eyes?
·        Thumps up if you don’t have seen this, and willnever do (I’m under age^^)
·        I lughed so hard
·        Mermaids is not beautifal! They is thescustings! :(
·        I can it is a costum how that’s a good costum
·        I not smile
·        Purgatory doesn’t exit!
·        Wow who learned you how to spoke?
·        Vifeo is funny but u need some video more clipstime is next.
·        If it sux then don’t watxh it durrrrr doesn’ttake a genuis
·        Was she die in the end?
·        Plz God give us back John and George and theBeatles and take from us all these untalented rapers.
·        Who ever agrees to with me that it is dumb soyes please!
·        Liginamite
·        I’m so sotojed
·        Wow what a dutch
·        Wish I was lived in 80’s
·        This guy is ducking g hallatious
·        Toby is an awesome raper!
·        I don’t know what was she looked…but she’s looknormal face
·        The beatles is a very nice band ever
·        I didn’t Athena was this perverted.
·        I love this is extrely funny
·        This song cant be forgotable
·        I don’t know what’s that say about you…but Iknow, that you are all that you want them to say about you.
·        You’re a retad
·        OMG! Goosebombs!
·        Yo mama so fat when she seen cows chickens hereyes want big as the moon
·        Ima dosh up your dingy dong bar dufnog daf autocerrert
·        Nickleback is agli and i donut like them:((((((((((
·        If she release this be her 1st singlethat would not that bed like now…
·        Anyway I still love this song because I canresemble
·        I will say your voice are great you are handsomeyou have a sweet and lovely eyes congrate!!!
·        Amazing song, that throw me in pimples
·        Do no complaint stupid things,, because live isa present, and most of us ungrateful and redneck badpersons.
·        This video is so rasict
·        Congrutalions.
·        I have heard this for a long ago and I am stillcrying
·        I know you not watch this one time.
·        You watch go through hell but did help me at allnaw but you worry about what um doin are aint doin smh yall and worry aboutwhat you doin wit yo life and make sure make it snakes.
·        Gave song everrr(:
·        Were do you was there?
·        Wouldn’t of the bullets of gone of in oven?
·        I have long time ago died alot jumped when I goteaten lol
·        I can dead in piece
·        This video is halrious
·        It the best love song ever. If I loved someone Iwould
·        This is the most restarted thing I’ve ever seen
·        Cananda people from cananda are dumb and shoundnot be on the interent
·        If I takeing me blood I fell dizziness
·        I’m not hungrey just buging you and gacing youadeas
·        You are a genuis
·        OMG u stuped.. if u could sing.. why wouldent ube a raper mor? thubs up :D
·        Speakless…
·        Who have watch this video at Friday of 13th?
·        She looks like a streeper
·        Atheist people are really regilous they beleavelearn about ever religon why they don’t beleave it
·        What was I saw just now?
·        LOL Gay nobody like you go make suicide
·        Just try it I dear you
·        She can good singing
·        If the same same you into me at the end lol
·        Why people don’t not knowe whats going on inearth even in space president or senices cant do it why u think or ask ur selfwhy the time is going so fast every year. Start open ur eyes look what theworld been up to why thick all the heavy mantels are makeing the music of iteven the videos r and b hip hop and rap don’t knowe they not even cool theysuckthey gonna end up in the street accpet heavy mental they knowe whats going onopen ur eyes!!!!
·        I snessed during the video :D
·        What an awfully voice.
·        If my bitizens finna dis my tower. I finna evicttheir aces
·        Nice her cute hot
·        Some people says dreams in the morning timesometime maybe true
·        Did she get sun burded? NO AFFENSE
·        Subscribe to my canal
·        She was always under ratted :(
·        I got 7 words for your life…”I HOPE YOU WILL BEFAST DEAD” that waste only want waste our time…
·        Umm no defense but you need some help
·        There’s no need to be ruch. If something ismenat to be, it will happen.
·        I hop he is dead
·        This song sounds like heaven when the anglessing
·        It’s a beatifull song but for my are betterother songs
·        I’m very loves me
·        Moral of this song: If I guy to like you..he’sgay!
·        She is reatreterd
·        No they caeveryone is know wherou have so have i
·        If all people were worthy of their name, wouldlisten this song. Who has already done, has understood something of life.
·        Rehaianna you are so pretty and I love thatoutfit your sinning is amazing
·        He never really were to sharp
·        I enturin dis contest 4 ma bferind friendladynasty n her bf curlis. Dey iz da kewtes couple n da world n dey gon win diskontest so u best b votin fo dem cuz dey bi da cutest. Dey ben 2geta 4 6 yeasna n dey wud get muryd but he ha 2 get outa jail cuz dey don’t wan get maryd inda prison church. Dey gon get maryd if hiz paprole is axepted. Plz vote 2 helpdem win. Tanxc!
·        Jack white reminds me of Edward the scissorhand
·        Wat a numpty
·        You should every day has its ur last day onearth
·        Awwww that’s hoable
·        Your sutpid
·        Girls, make them prove they live you. Make themtry do hard. Cause I’ve heard what they say I your friends and its not what youshould say about your girl.
·        Are you a girlfriend?
·        Da best tym 2 cry iis wen ur cuTiN oNionS cozevry1 fink jus da onyuns
·        Steve jobs died… apple is getting worster..
·        Just make your relationship pubic already
·        You that skills man
·        She is beauty I love u rebecca marry with me
·        Yes these things have been happening for a ever that’snot the point these things will happened more often like evry day,
·        What a wasted of onions
·        This happens me every yesterday
·        I’ve been going they that for about 2 monthsnow.
·        I have just eat a sandwich and BOOM in window it

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