Sunday, December 8, 2013

David Osmond and Alex Boye concert!

Emily, her friend Kevin, and I all traveled through the treacherous snow-filled freeway to get to this important concert that would be a once in a lifetime experience! We went to Mantua first to pick up her friend Kevin, and then we headed down to the concert. The roads were covered mostly with snow until we got passed Salt Lake City. We were there 40 mins early which was a plus! We got our tickets and stood in a big line waiting with excitement. In the line I ran into one of my Zone Leaders from the New York Utica mission. He said a lot of missionaries had breakfast together that morning. Anyway, there were no assigned seating, so we just went to as close to the front as we could. We were about four rows from the front on the left side of the auditorium. Out popped Alex Boye for his portion of the concert, and I couldn't believe this was actually happening. It's so different being 10 or 15 feet from a celebrity, to see their face and learn more of their personality and mannerisms. In fact, during the concert he asked all the dating and married couples to stand up. There was a couple standing up on the row behind us, and he walked over to let them speak in the microphone he was holding. He had to walk into our row to reach them, and he was leaning right over my head and I thought the sweat from his forehead was going to drip on my face. Thats how close he was to us.  His elbow was (not even joking) right over my head, and Emily was laughing and staring in amazement. Then during the concert he showed us some of his music videos from "The Piano Guys," and also a new video that was being released in two day. The video involved him with many face paintings and a christmas wreath around his face. Emily called it broccoli. He asked the dancing fans to come up on stage to join him, and one high school boy from Riverton High got so into it and added more to the night. I wish I had a video of it! Alex was  full of so much energy and danced while he sang so well. He did the moonwalk. I loved how his strong voice held out on some long notes for 10-15 seconds. After Alex's performance was done the suspense was killing me because the next half of the concert was the real reason why I wanted to be at the concert. Out popped David Osmond and I just really couldn't believe I was there sitting so close to my favorite LDS guy! He came out in a pink shirt, a black vest, and  a pair of sunglasses. He said he was wearing the sunglasses because apparently Riverton is a really cool  place, and he had to fit in and match the crowd, Lol. He talked about his MS experience and how life itself is a miracle. He said his usual line that he says at every performance which was: "I hope you believe in miracles, because if you don't, you're looking at one today. Before today, I was in a wheelchair and I couldn't walk, and since my wedding day, i've been on my feet." I've watched lots of his youtube videos and speeches online and he says that in every video or every concert. He talked about his family and his new baby girls and showed a picture. He also talked about how he met his wife in Las Vegas out of all places. Then he scrambled up some songs and did some Christmas and some from his albums. He did "Powerful," "Heartbeat Melody," "Speak," "Danny Boy," "Marry Did You Know," and Last Day." 
For me personally it was a very special night. Even though we didn't get to talk with both of them or get a picture with them, it was special enough. He told some jokes and announced his performance with a lot of people in the production of "A Snow White Christmas." He was asking for some guesses from the audience of what role they thought he would be playing in the play. Some people shouted out "SNOW WHITE!!!" He had this troubled look on his face, and with sarcastic disgust respoonded "Snow White?" Then he quickly added, "AND DON'T SAY DOPEY!" He is just such a fantastic, well balanced, confident, and enthusiastic individual. He inspires me the most and I think he makes a great role model for boys in the world. The money for the concert, and the money put towards his albums goes towards the kids and people with MS and with hearing problems. I think its fantastic. I've never related to Donny and Marie, but I've been able to relate with David because he in the new generation. It was such a great night!!!

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