Friday, July 5, 2013

A Spiritual Experience

A few days ago I was able to talk to a lady about the gospel in depth. At first it was TV, but she didn't qualify. So then I talked to her about the weather, and storms and things like that. Then somehow it was brought up that I was from Utah. She asked what it's like out there. I told her its less green and humid. Somehow I transitioned with a temple card and told her that's out there. She asked if it was our church. She was stunned. I explained its purpose and said that not everyone can go to the temple even though, everyone is invited. She said she had two Mormon missionaires come by on their bikes and help her with moving. She said that one of them kissed her and she laughed so hard. So she said every time she thinks of misionaries, she thinks of that experience. That's all she knew about them was that they were two nice goofy guys on bikes dressed up for church. I told her that God loved her and that she was here with a purpose and a plan. I told her where we were before, that we were here to gain experience and a body, and to prove ourselves away from God. I told her about after death and that we would all be resurrected and judged. With judgement, I basically explained that we are judged according to our best understanding. We can't be accountable for what we dont know. I told her about the three kingdoms and about the ending result of a faithful person. To dwell with, and become like God, progressing in never ending happiness. I talked about authority and prophets. She agreed with pretty much everything I taught. I transistioned to Christ's church and the Apostasy. I told her about all the diferent churches that formd from pieces of the truth. That's when I think she really responded beccause she brought up that she was never baptized and didn't know which church was true. Then I told her about the reforming men that got the church as close as they could, but couldnt completely restore it without the authority. Then was the time to relate her story with Joseph Smith. As I started I felt like crying because I knew it was true, but held it back to tell the story. I talked about his search for truth and how he investigated many churches. Told her he read the scripure James 1: 5 and followed it because it hit him hard. I told her exact details using quotes from Joseph Smith History. I tried to slow down and make it a powerful experience for her. When I finished with "...this is my beloved Son, hear Him!..." I paused and watched her expression. Then i told her that God the Father and His Son appeared to Joseph Smith (to make sure she was on tract). She shivered and told me that hearing this gave her chills. I could tell she was really into it. She was giving me her full attention. I testified that I knew that it was true. Then I talked about Joseph Smith translating the Book of Mormon and talked about what it was. I told her to pay attention to her feelings and pray to know. I knew because of her attitude and reactions that she was feeling the Spirit. Her mom pulled up and I knew that I had finished just in time. I quietly hinted again to pay attention to what she felt and that she will know if its true. She said that her understanding was deepend more than ever before. I knew that was the Holy Ghost. I was on fire and felt so good that I was able to be an instrument in inviting the Spirit into her life. I knew it was the first time she had felt it.

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