Yesterday was the best 4th of July ever!
I knocked on doors all day and got a sale. The incentive was $20 a sale. I'm glad I got one! Then we went to Walmart and fulfilled our game! How it works was the day before the 4th, each sale earned is 5 seconds. There was a first sale of the day of 3 seconds, and so was the last sale of the day. So a really good salesperson could get 6 for the first and last sale of the day and also additional 5 points for each of the sales made. We are all in teams. Jamal + Alisha, Nathan + Kyle, Dylan + Pattrick, Steven + Ian. So both parties in the team contribute to a total of seconds. Kyle got none so we went off of just mine. I had 2 sales. So we were allowed 10 seconds. How it works is Brett holds a stopwatch, and we grab a cart. We start at the front of the store and run through as fast as we can and grab anything we see for our seconds earned. Our manager Brett pays for everything. Me and Kyle were able to collect a 24 pack of Dr. Pepper, 3 bags of chips, and 7 ears of corn.

Alisha and Jamal grabbed all candy. Steve and Ian grabbed strawberries, dips, and cherries. Brett and Dylan were like cheetah's zooming through the store to grab the meats and buns. They got hotdogs, ribs, and hamburgers. Brett went through with 4 carts in the checkout. He used mostly prepaid green dot cards from his sales. Later we went to the park and cooked up the food and had a fun barbeque. The fireworks were'nt all in one direction. They were surrounding the edges of the earth like we were trapt inside of it. It was so cool. Then Brett went out and bought personal fireworks. The zippers were the scariest. You are suppossed to light it on the ground and watch it zoom up in the air and disappear into the darkness. Instead (because we're guys) they throw them in the air. Now for those of you who have never experienced a zipper, how it works is it takes a complete 180 degree turn and changes direction after its in the air for a few seconds and comes charging at anything or anyone so fast you cant dodge them if they are coming your way. We were laughing because they would blast past peoples heads, and hit the grond and explode near somebody by a few inches. Take in mind that our group was the only ones in area. Everyone had left to go home. We were doing this around midnight. I went into the ballory to get shelter and protection. Then I see a zipper flying into the benches and ricocheting off the walls and ceiling as I'm holding my head down hoping it wont hit me. Here is a video of the thing:
The thing that our group was doing was waiting a few extra seconds while it was still in their hand, and then tossing it just in time while it changes directions in the air zooming past someone. Then we set off the grand finale fireworks. They were so amazing. Brett probably spent a few hundred dollars on fireworks. He is such a great guy! But we had so much fun and fortunately no one was hurt. I love our group and feel like we are family. Alisha and I celebrated by drawing on each other's faces. Hope you all had a good holiday back home!!!
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