Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Griffinal Anthem

I am really enjoying my time out here. It has been fun to go knocking with Alisha. I keep running into the cops out here. Yesterday I completely blew a pitch at a door and had the person laugh at me. I was struggling. It usually doesn't happen. Alisha said it was my worst approach, even crazier than what she has done. I am getting about 1 or 2 sales a day. I can still reach my goal. It will just take some more effort. Alisha wanted me to jump off a bridge with her into the lake. I didnt want to. She called Griff and explained how she wanted to jump off into the lake, but that I wasn't willing to do it with her. She also explained how she would even strip down to just her bra and underwear. Griff was like "NATHAN! That is such a good deal bud! You need to jump in with her." Griff is so hilarious. He is so calm and relaxed. His sense of humor is like Kay's. I told him that I didnt want all the fish to fight over me like food at the trout farm. He told me that he's disappointed and that I never wrote him a song; so me and Alisha made one up for him in honor of the patriotic holiday coming near. This is of the tune of our national anthem, and named it the Griffinal Anthem:

Oh Griff can you see?
How we love you so much
You have taught us so well,
that's why we've been successful.
With your charm and great smile
keeps us walking long miles.
For the ways that you've taught,
gets us no activations.
But there's always a sneer,
or a drunk guy with beer.
And cops in our way,
make an end to our day.
How does our trainer manage
to swerve a deer and say "Oh Shit!?"
For the sake of DirecTV,
he has taught you and me!

We called him up on Saturday and sang it to him on the phone. He was speechless. I think it cracked him up and he was impressed. Alisha and I came up with that in about 30-45 mins while waiting in a convenient store. We laughed so hard. It was good. I really enjoy working with that girl!

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