Saturday, May 11, 2013

Enjoying my first week with DTV!

Still working hard every day trying to get a sale. My roomate is Jamal and is from California. He is also African-American. He loves Jesus and God, and knows his bible very well. He is really respectful and I make him laugh all the time. We came up with a secret handshake together. I don't know what the name of it is, but its cool. I've knocked a lot of doors this week and am still trying to improve myself little by little. I have learned a lot of information in one week. I went out with Jared Danis and he taught me a lot. He also shared with us a motivational video that inspired me a lot. I said it was the "best thing I have ever heard in my entire life!!!!" Ian thought that was hilarious. I am loving my experiences and what i'm learning. My roomate loves Christian Rap and tries to teach me that the music that talks about Jesus and God is good music no matter what genre or form it is in. If it is not talking about them, it is of the devil. Even though rap sounds like christian rap, it's the words that make the difference. Jamal is helping me see that many people without realizing it are brought up racist. He is a member of the church and is going on 8 years since he was baptized. He can sing really well, and he writes his own Christian rap. Even though it is not evil, rap doesn't make a good blend with holy words in my opinion. Even though it can inspire people to think and live better, I think softer genres can pull out and enhance the message even more. I was a little confused a bit between his opinion verses mine, and a scripture came to my mind "That which doth not edify is not of God, and is darkness." Also the thought of Christ coming again descending in the clouds with rap seemed to contradict itself. I think i've been taught right, and I want to stick with how I feel about things. People often judge it as close minded and racist. But I've been listening to rap in the apartment and in the car every day this week and I've had enough. I think it sounds ugly and there is no beauty in the tones or the melody (if there is one). I compare it with music and the spoken word. There is no Christian rap or rock there in the conference center. The spirit is so soft and gentle that loud noises drive it away even if it is talking about Christ. That is just my opinion. I am really missing my classical. I'll have to buy it at Walmart or something. Anyway, i'm working really hard to learn everything well and improving. My goal is 150 sales. That's about $22,000. I feel the Lord is watching out for me. Im doing a lot better with keeping the commandments. This week I have been a few inches away from using Tobacco, Smoking an e-cig, having starbucks coffee, swearing, breaking the law of Chastity, slacking on scriptures and prayers, or shopping on Sunday. These aren't tempting, but to fit in the group, i could have easily done any of these things. I remembered the Savior in times of standing for what's right and followed His example in all of my situations. I have not given in to one of them. I feel so good and so grateful that I didnt bend on my morals. My roomate was talking to his girlfriend or his mom on the phone and said he appreciates my morals. That I dont drink or smoke. He is against all sin also. Now i just need to convert him from the rap to the classical. Really enjoying my week and hope to get a sale soon!

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