Monday, May 6, 2013

Day two in Missouri

Today was full of joy! We worked outside in the best weather, visited with a nice lady named Patt, helped her and talked with her. I just found lots of joy in driving on the highway, going up and down the streets, and watching people coming out of their ghetto houses with a cigarette in their mouth. It brought back all the good memories of my mission. I'd say Missouri looks so much like New York in the Utica area. Jeremy and I were watching the kids come home from school and one kid said hi and said "Have a nice day!" I thought it was precious. Another young woman stood up in the passengers seat while the car was driving and greeted us with a "Happy Sinco De Mayo!" The weather was perfect. I am trying to understand people so much with love. We cant judge them. Don't know who they were raised by or how, don't know the, emotional, physical, or financial burdens they carry. I just went with Jeremy today to the Justice Center in Springfield to clear an offense. I watched so many people come in and out of that place. I talked with a guy named Ed and shared a pass along card with him and talked about Jesus Christ and how he can free us from burdens through the gospel. I handed him the temple card and he asked if it was the church. I told him about the temple, forever families, and so on. The back of the card has the missionaries number and I encouraged him to check it out. His wife was a minister and they both helped the needy and the hungry. Today has so many precious moments and joy. So glad I chose to come out here. In a way it is like being on my mission again, knocking doors and giving service. Jeremy and I talked about love and sacrifice. He made a goal to donate a kidney for somebody he doesn't know. He would give you the shirt off his back for people. He bought lots of gas and snacks and said not to worry about it. He has such a golden heart. We didn't make any sales, but we wont give up. We are going to the singles ward activity to play volleyball!

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