Sunday, May 26, 2013

Catch Up

We have moved to Joplin and have had a scary week with Tornados. I would not be too far off to say that i've felt a portion of Hell this week. Tuesday was the worst. We had warnings all day and then later at night the town sirens went off (meaning that a tornado was really close-that it was the real thing). The news also gives you a beeping personalized message for your town. It said WARNING: A Tornado Alert has been detected for your area. I felt as though a gun was pointed straight at my head. Fear ran throughout my body and I couldn't find a way to calm down. I called my dad and told him I loved him and that this might be the end. A lot of my group was outside looking at the scary dark clouds. Cassie is such a friend to me. She was freaking out as much as I was. I couldn't comprehend that at one moment the building could be demolished. The rest of my group ran in the hotel and said "Let's go Swimming!!!" They were all splashing in the pool while the tornado could hit at any time. We were all safe and the peace that came into my heart was so amazing. I was so glad we all survived.

I have a new roomate named Kyle who is so awesome. He is 24 and is an RM. He is easy to get along with and is very interesting. I've been putting one sale in each day this week except Monday and Saturday. I am so grateful for this job and for meeting all the people I have. Alisha, Cassie, JerBear, Spencer, Patrick, Brett,   T.J., Ian, and Anthony are awesome people. Yesterday I had two sales cancel and had a dog steal my shoes and I had to chase him to get them back. He was just wandering around and followed me door to door. He was like a baby pit bull.

Dad picked me up around 9:30 and took me to Steak and Shake. Its pretty nice. We listened to classical for the 2 and a half hours down. It was refreshing.

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