Friday, September 5, 2014

A Peachy Weekend!

So this morning Emily and I volunteered at the Nami booth to set up and serve peach cobler. Natalie Lowe did it with us. There were really nice guys that we met and walked around singing and advertising with. It was a lot of fun. Then, Emily and I went to Walmart, and on the way home, the car was starting to act up. The speed would change as we were going south, up highway 89. Then the car broke down in the middle of the highway while cars zoomed 50 mph to the left and right of us. Emily and I should have panicked, but we just laughed that this could only happen to us. Parked right in the middle of the busy highway, while blocking cars trying to use the turning lane, the car miraculously had just enough juice to start again and make it up a neighborhood street. Then it really died in the middle of the street near a cul de sac. The car wouldn't start after that. We called Dad (poor Dad) and asked for some advice. He asked if we tried pushing. We told him we were on a very steep hill and were afraid that by putting it in neutral, the car would start rolling backward before we could get out of the car. Then the momentum would travel the car down and plunge it into the busy highway. Dad called the towtruck at Master Muffler for us; he was on his way. In the meantime, stuck and waiting for help, cars pulled up behind us and waited assuming that we were just chilling and having a fun time, (and we were)...and that we were going to drive on forward. But I put on my flashing signals to let them know were were stuck, and they moved around us. After that, we saw 5 cars and a bus move around us as we were embarrassingly parked in the middle of the neighborhood road. At least we weren't in the middle of highway 89 anymore. Then a neighbor came out and asked if we needed help. She got two other boys to help push our car out of the middle of the road and off to the side. We were grateful for her help. Emily was freaking out a little after laughing all this time, and said: "Nathan! How am I going to get to college with this scary car? What if it breaks down on the freeway on the way to Idaho?" We will have to see how it works out for her. Haha, But if the car gets fixed, its better that this incident happened now (a week before she leaves), instead of  later. It was a crazy day. The towtruck came, Mom, came, and things worked out!

Monday, August 25, 2014

The Day Truly Is What You Make It!

Today was wonderful. It is refreshing and inspiring to make a plan and run with it. Last night Emily and I planned our day and this is how it went...

We got up at 7 am took Toby (dog) for a run. Showered, cooked oatmeal served with fresh peaches. Then we had personal study from 8:00-9:00. Then we had a companionship study from 9:00-10:00. I studied about the symbolism about the number 7, and Emily studied Isaiah. We reviewed and roll played the 1st missionary lesson to our invisible investigator (George Glass-Lol). We switched off principles and inserted scriptures until we reached the challenge to get baptized. We talked about our strengths and weaknesses and plan on continuing the next lesson tomorrow. Then Emily planned out to make time for the Ogden temple open house at 10:45. She made reservations and we went to that. It was great. I loved the sister missionaries and the video they showed on the temple. Then we went to a cupcake diner and bought elegant deserts. Then I grabbed a pulled-pork sandwhich from subway on the way home. Emily and I are really close and it means a lot to me. We really had a good time, and listened to Motab all the way home.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Perfect Date

So this year has been good because after going through last year selling DirecTV in Missouri, I decided not to do it again, and that choice has opened great opportunities that would not have happened if I chose to go. I now work at Walmart and am really great friends with a lot of co-workers. Braden is someone who I've became great friends with. During a break together we were discussing girls, and our dating lives. He mentioned that he is not taking it seriously and that he isn't ready to start the steady dating. I told him I've felt the same way, and that I wanted to get financially situated before I jump into something so commiting, but that I would be interested in dating. He suggested a friend that he met a few times, but never knew for years. Her name is Kara Stack. He described her as someone with all the good qualities you'd want to have in a partnership. That really interested me. Then he stated that she'd been on a mission. That also caught my attention really strongly. There are three things that I dont have to have, but if I could, it would be even greater! 1. A blonde 2. A returned missionary 3. A stranger. So he gave me her number and I texted her. She responded positively and began a long chat until late hours of the night. We got to know each other pretty well over the next few days via texting. She would begin the day with a text like: "Good Morning! Did you sleep well?" I'd reply and continue the conversation. She would call randomly and I would get to hear her voice. I liked most of all how this just kept going, and that there was a strong interest between eachother. I felt that for my entire life the interest button for girls had been on off. And I barely even know this girl and I'm so excited and something just felt right. I was on fire! So we had to meet. I don't like using movies or dinner for dating ideas because I feel it is the thoughtless/easy-way-out. I like to be more creative and  do things that are totally different and random. So we both put in ideas and came up with this fun date. She's from Logan, (or living in Logan) and told me she wanted to come to Brigham City. She asked what we could do. My mind went blank because at night there is not much to do besides Walmart a movie, or yogurt factory. She said she would meet me at subway. I was so excited but a bit nervous to meet her and hoped to give off the best impression as anybody would hope to. She called me and told me she was already there and I pulled in and we met and went in and ordered to go subs. The first thing that was startling to me is how she arranged her sandwich. Italian herbs and cheese, provolone cheese, sweet onion, mayonaise, and chipotle southwest were her choices. That is the same thing I order every time but with different vegetables. Then the song "Bring Me To Life" by Evanescence came on. It was perfect. We got talking about the music and she said her favorite was "My Immortal." We got in the car and she followed me to the Perry Elementary school grounds. The school had been knocked down years ago and I thought it would be okay to spend as much time there because the park was several yards away. We set out blankets and talked about our missions and about things we like. Then the sprinklers came on, but they were several feet away that they didn't get us wet, but we knew that the next ones would get us. The park got darker and pretty soon we saw headlights and heard a loud: "THE PARK IS CLOSED AFTER THE SUN GOES DOWN!!!" It was a police officer speaking through a megaphone. We got up and left and I said "I know one more spot we could go, but its not comfortable." She outgoingly said: "Lets do it!" We went up to the perry canal up by my house. We laid out the blankets and sat on a cement bridge across the flowing canal water. It was a better view, and the city lights were so gorgeous. I got out blue glowsticks that I bought when I got off work. We cut them and flung them all around on bushes, ourselves and the ground. Then we started drawing on our faces. She drew an image on my check, and then said: "Ok now draw something on me. "Like a plus sign?" I said. "Something more creative than that" She replied. I drew a bass clef. And she said: "You would do that." Then we shut our eyes and flung the glowing liquid all over and she was covered in it so much it looked like she got in a messy paint fight. I laughed so hard because I wasn't expected so much to be caked onto her clothes and face. She stated that she hoped it doesnt stain clothes. I told her it doesn't. I've done it before in my mission apartment. She was shocked and said: "Your apartment?" It doesnt stain because its clear liquid. And disappears in less than an hour. Even when exposed to light you cant see it anymore. We laid under the stars in our big glowy mess. We tried to find the big dipper and other images. She said she likes scary/action movies like "Red," "Taken," "Night and Day," etc. I told her about "Red Eye," and she said that we should watch it together. Kara is really outgoing and not shy or embarrassed. She is open to new things and exciting adventures. But she hates roller coasters. Pretty soon after more discussion, we see this car in the darkness down below the cliff of the mountain slowly creep up the main road, and then it made its way up the canal road. I was thinking "Yep, this is the cops again. We can't do anything without them involved." The car stopped in front of us on the canal road and the police walked out and asked: "Didn't I just see you both down at the park?" We replied and then I foolishly asked: "Is this closed too?" He laughed and said no. But that he said he received a report of loud screaming in the area. He asked if we heard any of it. We told him we heard none, and that we were laughing but it wasn't loud enough to be screaming. Kara said we would let him know if we were to hear anything like that. He wished us a good night and drove back down the road out of sight. We talked more and then she said it was late enough that she should be going since it was another 25 mins back to Logan. We gathered up the stuff and linked arms walking down the dark steep gravel hill. She thanked me for the fun date and said she had a really good time. She gave me a hug goodbye and said we should do more when time permits. I thought it was successful as far as random, creative, and unique.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Perfect Easter Holiday!

Since my mission, Easter has become my favorite holiday. I have had so much joy and peace by focusing on the life of Jesus Christ. This easter is very special because it is the anniversary week of the Atonement. Next year it wont be during the same week. The movie Son of God came out this year in perfect timing to prepare us for this Easter holiday. I have posted (on facebook) videos from each event on the matching day of our week from that movie. It has been rewarding and wonderful to treasure such a film. I have been enjoying the weather in our yard with blooming tulips and blossoms, as well as soaking up the warm air and the birds and sunshine. This is my favorite time of year, and this has been by favorite Easter that I can remember. I hope that we can all set aside the Easter bunny and focus our attention on what really matters. 
May we have a spiritual holiday to worship and love our Savior. 
Below include the dates and times of the events which took place about 2,000 years ago:
Date/TimeEvent (all in Jerusalem, Israel)
Sunday, April 10, 30 AD2 mile journey to Jerusalem from Bethany, where Jesus stays each night
Monday, April 11, 30 ADJesus protests financial transactions within the temple; argues with chief priests
Tuesday, April 12, 30 ADJesus predicts/announces the date of his execution; debates with religious leaders; responds to question about greatest commandment
Tuesday, April 12, 30 ADJudas contracts to betray Jesus
Wednesday, April 13, 30 ADJesus warns against religious leaders, calling them hypocrites and snakes; From Mount of Olives, Jesus mourns Jerusalem's rejection and pending destruction
Thursday, April 14, 30 AD
Last supper with disciples - Passover meal
Thursday, April 14, 30 AD -
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Garden of Gethsemane - Jesus waits for his arrest
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Confrontation in Garden and Jesus' Arrest
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Trial 1: Annas, former Jewish High Priest for 16 years - Jesus receives initial physical abuse
"Trial 2: Current Jewish High Priest, Caiaphas, and the Sanhedrin Court - Jesus bloodied by abuse
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Imprisonment at Caiaphas' palace
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Trial 3: All the Jewish elders, including the High Priest, scribes and whole Sanhedrin. They decide to ask the Roman government to kill Jesus
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Trial 4: Hearing before Roman governor Pilate, who declares, "I find no guilt in this man."
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Trial 5: Hearing before Herod Antipas, the son of Herod the Great, who had jurisdiction over Galilee. Jesus refused to answer any questions so Herod returned him quickly to Pilate
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Trial 6: Pilate repeatedly tried to release Jesus but the Jewish leaders continued to object. Pilate physically tortured and beat Jesus beyond recognition seeking to satisfy the Jewish leaders. However the Jews demanded that Jesus be crucified. Pilate resisted but eventually gave the order to execute Jesus
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Pilate's Roman soldiers take Jesus into the court ("Praetorium") and enjoy mockery and continued torture, including driving thorns into his skull
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Jesus forced to carry his own cross, then actual crucifixion
12:00 noon - 3:00pm
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Momentous final 3 hours on the cross
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Friday, April 15, 30 ADBurial
Sunday, April 17, 30 AD"Resurrection" - 1st reported appearance of Jesus as alive after execution

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Emotional Purge After A Nightmare Of Endurance

It has been a while since I wrote a blog. Since the end of the school year is here and things are headed in a new direction, I wanted to share all my emotions and describe what I am feeling. I honestly feel like I have been through music torture. I have big dreams and I am tired of them being cut down. I have been pretending to be something that I am not. I have even tried making a big effort to go along with things thinking I would one day be what others want me to be. The first lesson I learned is that you really can't be anything real, unless you are being yourself. A way to describe myself would be to say that I don't like to be stuck, controlled, or dictated when it comes to my own creativity. Nobody should dictate your ideas or tell you that what you're doing is wrong. I personally believe that all you need is passion, talent, hard work, and a guide who inspires to have success. For many years I have dreamed a dream that is still yet to be fulfilled. I feel that my dreams have been choked and crushed. In results my defensive side has gotten stronger and I have felt more persistence and determination to not allow others to govern my ways. I have been in this fight for a few years. I know who I want to be, and I know what I want to do. I don't want to be trapped or instructed on how to live my dreams. I can't live another minute and be told to feel that what I love is wrong. I came across a quote that said "When writing the story of your life, don't let others hold the pencil." I think that's what I will continue to fight against. I will never back down and let others force their way into my life. I am glad to be out and glad to be headed in a new direction where I can breathe and have my space to collect myself while beginning fresh and determined to live my dreams again. I can't describe how frustrating it is to be trapped into something that you want nothing to do with, but you keep trying to get to what you love, but you can never reach it because of others getting in the way. I have pushed aside the misery and tried to do things my way in my own time. Doing so, I have found greater happiness. I would like to give some great advice to people who feel like they are being controlled and trapped like I was. Never lose your fight. Always fight. Keep fighting until what you love is yours. Even when it is hard, don't let professors or anyone older than you dictate your heart. It is your life. Live it. Enjoy it. Love it.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Brand New Youtube Channel

Come check out the channel and subscribe to get updates and the latest videos! More coming...

Sunday, February 23, 2014

How To Make Your Lawn More Green

I am so excited for spring and I have a desire to improve the yard we have. Here are 9 simple things you can do to make your lawn more attractive, heathy, and green!

 Choose a variety of grass seeds that will work best in your yard.
  • Each type of grass has its own set of instructions based on climate and environment. Some variations of grass prefer shady areas, while others like the sun. Some varieties do better in warm weather, and others like cooler temperatures.
Test your soil for nitrogen, phosphorus, pH levels and other elements with a soil test kit. This will help you determine whether your soil is lacking a necessary ingredient for a green lawn.
  • Your lawn may need boosters to create richer soil. Your local lawn care shop should have the boosters you need for a green lawn.
  • Providing sufficient nutrients is important to getting green grass. Depending on the elements your soil needs, you may be able to correct problems with fertilizers, which release nutrients over a period of time.
  • You don't have to use poisonous or harsh chemicals to fertilize your soil. Humus, organic matter broken down, has the ability to fight weeds, insects and disease, especially when you use the hardier native plants. 
Water your grass around the same time each morning. If you recently planted new seed, be sure to water it every day.
  • The best time of the day to water your lawn is early in the morning. The water will be less likely to evaporate, and there are generally lower winds. Watering the grass in high wind can cause the grass to dry before the water penetrates the soil.
  • For a green lawn, water your grass until the water penetrates at least 6 inches (15.24 cm) deep into the soil.
  • Make watering the grass part of your lawn care during the summer. You may need to water the yard at additional times to prevent the grass from drying out.
  • Grass needs to be watered about one inch per week. If you use sprinklers, you can place a can in your yard and see how much water filled the can after you water one hour. This will give you the hourly rate of using sprinklers to water your lawn. 
Daily watering encourages shallow roots and wastes water. Instead, water deeply, watching closely to see when more is needed.
Here are signs it's time to water, according to Gaussoin:
  • The soil resists when you push a screwdriver or steel rod into the ground;
  • Your grass gets a slightly blue tinge; and
  • Footprints across the lawn remain compressed. 
Avoid nighttime watering. The best time to water is pre-dawn or early morning. You'll lose water to evaporation by sprinkling in midday.
If you put a cup of Ammonia (nitrogen source) into a five gallon pail of water and a cup of epsom salts (magnesium sulfate), mix and throw it on your lawn with a cup it will make the grass greener. The Nitrogen stimulates green foliage and the magnesium sulfate makes the foliage retain water so the foliage is thicker and greener. After you throw it on your lawn, hose down the grass to make the chemicals go down into the roots. This is way cheaper than Nitrogen based grass fertilizer and works well on grass.
Mow your lawn 1 day after watering. In doing so, you will help your lawn heal better from the recent cut. This can prevent the tips of the grass from becoming brown.
If you mow your lawn high it will be more durable against drought and against frost.
In the summer it is good to mulch the lawn (don't vacuum up the grass) so that you can spend less on water. Leave the clippings where they fall. Not only do you eliminate all the bagging and dump trips, but the clippings fertilize the soil.
Aerate your lawn at least once in the spring and again in the fall for a green lawn. The process of aeration makes small holes in the surface of your lawn, allowing water, nutrients and air access to the roots.
  • Aeration allows better drainage, which reduces runoff.

The best way to prevent weeds is to plant more grass with seeds. Thick grass chokes out weeds and makes it harder for them to grow or spread within your lawn.