So this year has been good because after going through last year selling DirecTV in Missouri, I decided not to do it again, and that choice has opened great opportunities that would not have happened if I chose to go. I now work at Walmart and am really great friends with a lot of co-workers. Braden is someone who I've became great friends with. During a break together we were discussing girls, and our dating lives. He mentioned that he is not taking it seriously and that he isn't ready to start the steady dating. I told him I've felt the same way, and that I wanted to get financially situated before I jump into something so commiting, but that I would be interested in dating. He suggested a friend that he met a few times, but never knew for years. Her name is Kara Stack. He described her as someone with all the good qualities you'd want to have in a partnership. That really interested me. Then he stated that she'd been on a mission. That also caught my attention really strongly. There are three things that I dont have to have, but if I could, it would be even greater! 1. A blonde 2. A returned missionary 3. A stranger. So he gave me her number and I texted her. She responded positively and began a long chat until late hours of the night. We got to know each other pretty well over the next few days via texting. She would begin the day with a text like: "Good Morning! Did you sleep well?" I'd reply and continue the conversation. She would call randomly and I would get to hear her voice. I liked most of all how this just kept going, and that there was a strong interest between eachother. I felt that for my entire life the interest button for girls had been on off. And I barely even know this girl and I'm so excited and something just felt right. I was on fire! So we had to meet. I don't like using movies or dinner for dating ideas because I feel it is the thoughtless/easy-way-out. I like to be more creative and do things that are totally different and random. So we both put in ideas and came up with this fun date. She's from Logan, (or living in Logan) and told me she wanted to come to Brigham City. She asked what we could do. My mind went blank because at night there is not much to do besides Walmart a movie, or yogurt factory. She said she would meet me at subway. I was so excited but a bit nervous to meet her and hoped to give off the best impression as anybody would hope to. She called me and told me she was already there and I pulled in and we met and went in and ordered to go subs. The first thing that was startling to me is how she arranged her sandwich. Italian herbs and cheese, provolone cheese, sweet onion, mayonaise, and chipotle southwest were her choices. That is the same thing I order every time but with different vegetables. Then the song "Bring Me To Life" by Evanescence came on. It was perfect. We got talking about the music and she said her favorite was "My Immortal." We got in the car and she followed me to the Perry Elementary school grounds. The school had been knocked down years ago and I thought it would be okay to spend as much time there because the park was several yards away. We set out blankets and talked about our missions and about things we like. Then the sprinklers came on, but they were several feet away that they didn't get us wet, but we knew that the next ones would get us. The park got darker and pretty soon we saw headlights and heard a loud: "THE PARK IS CLOSED AFTER THE SUN GOES DOWN!!!" It was a police officer speaking through a megaphone. We got up and left and I said "I know one more spot we could go, but its not comfortable." She outgoingly said: "Lets do it!" We went up to the perry canal up by my house. We laid out the blankets and sat on a cement bridge across the flowing canal water. It was a better view, and the city lights were so gorgeous. I got out blue glowsticks that I bought when I got off work. We cut them and flung them all around on bushes, ourselves and the ground. Then we started drawing on our faces. She drew an image on my check, and then said: "Ok now draw something on me. "Like a plus sign?" I said. "Something more creative than that" She replied. I drew a bass clef. And she said: "You would do that." Then we shut our eyes and flung the glowing liquid all over and she was covered in it so much it looked like she got in a messy paint fight. I laughed so hard because I wasn't expected so much to be caked onto her clothes and face. She stated that she hoped it doesnt stain clothes. I told her it doesn't. I've done it before in my mission apartment. She was shocked and said: "Your apartment?" It doesnt stain because its clear liquid. And disappears in less than an hour. Even when exposed to light you cant see it anymore. We laid under the stars in our big glowy mess. We tried to find the big dipper and other images. She said she likes scary/action movies like "Red," "Taken," "Night and Day," etc. I told her about "Red Eye," and she said that we should watch it together. Kara is really outgoing and not shy or embarrassed. She is open to new things and exciting adventures. But she hates roller coasters. Pretty soon after more discussion, we see this car in the darkness down below the cliff of the mountain slowly creep up the main road, and then it made its way up the canal road. I was thinking "Yep, this is the cops again. We can't do anything without them involved." The car stopped in front of us on the canal road and the police walked out and asked: "Didn't I just see you both down at the park?" We replied and then I foolishly asked: "Is this closed too?" He laughed and said no. But that he said he received a report of loud screaming in the area. He asked if we heard any of it. We told him we heard none, and that we were laughing but it wasn't loud enough to be screaming. Kara said we would let him know if we were to hear anything like that. He wished us a good night and drove back down the road out of sight. We talked more and then she said it was late enough that she should be going since it was another 25 mins back to Logan. We gathered up the stuff and linked arms walking down the dark steep gravel hill. She thanked me for the fun date and said she had a really good time. She gave me a hug goodbye and said we should do more when time permits. I thought it was successful as far as random, creative, and unique.