So this morning Emily and I volunteered at the Nami booth to set up and serve peach cobler. Natalie Lowe did it with us. There were really nice guys that we met and walked around singing and advertising with. It was a lot of fun. Then, Emily and I went to Walmart, and on the way home, the car was starting to act up. The speed would change as we were going south, up highway 89. Then the car broke down in the middle of the highway while cars zoomed 50 mph to the left and right of us. Emily and I should have panicked, but we just laughed that this could only happen to us. Parked right in the middle of the busy highway, while blocking cars trying to use the turning lane, the car miraculously had just enough juice to start again and make it up a neighborhood street. Then it really died in the middle of the street near a cul de sac. The car wouldn't start after that. We called Dad (poor Dad) and asked for some advice. He asked if we tried pushing. We told him we were on a very steep hill and were afraid that by putting it in neutral, the car would start rolling backward before we could get out of the car. Then the momentum would travel the car down and plunge it into the busy highway. Dad called the towtruck at Master Muffler for us; he was on his way. In the meantime, stuck and waiting for help, cars pulled up behind us and waited assuming that we were just chilling and having a fun time, (and we were)...and that we were going to drive on forward. But I put on my flashing signals to let them know were were stuck, and they moved around us. After that, we saw 5 cars and a bus move around us as we were embarrassingly parked in the middle of the neighborhood road. At least we weren't in the middle of highway 89 anymore. Then a neighbor came out and asked if we needed help. She got two other boys to help push our car out of the middle of the road and off to the side. We were grateful for her help. Emily was freaking out a little after laughing all this time, and said: "Nathan! How am I going to get to college with this scary car? What if it breaks down on the freeway on the way to Idaho?" We will have to see how it works out for her. Haha, But if the car gets fixed, its better that this incident happened now (a week before she leaves), instead of later. It was a crazy day. The towtruck came, Mom, came, and things worked out!
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