Monday, August 25, 2014

The Day Truly Is What You Make It!

Today was wonderful. It is refreshing and inspiring to make a plan and run with it. Last night Emily and I planned our day and this is how it went...

We got up at 7 am took Toby (dog) for a run. Showered, cooked oatmeal served with fresh peaches. Then we had personal study from 8:00-9:00. Then we had a companionship study from 9:00-10:00. I studied about the symbolism about the number 7, and Emily studied Isaiah. We reviewed and roll played the 1st missionary lesson to our invisible investigator (George Glass-Lol). We switched off principles and inserted scriptures until we reached the challenge to get baptized. We talked about our strengths and weaknesses and plan on continuing the next lesson tomorrow. Then Emily planned out to make time for the Ogden temple open house at 10:45. She made reservations and we went to that. It was great. I loved the sister missionaries and the video they showed on the temple. Then we went to a cupcake diner and bought elegant deserts. Then I grabbed a pulled-pork sandwhich from subway on the way home. Emily and I are really close and it means a lot to me. We really had a good time, and listened to Motab all the way home.

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