Thursday, January 9, 2014

Keep Calm and Hate Cheesecake!!!

 First, I would like for you to take a look at the collage that I recently made.
That to me is the most disgusting thing you could do with food. I do have other problems with combinations (Mint and Chocolate, Chocolate with Oranges etc.) but this one is kind of ridiculous. I know that a lot of you are going to hate me, but I really am not a fan. In fact, I have never been a fan. I remember the first time my mom made me sit alone at the kitchen table and force down a piece of cheesecake. This was back when I was around 3 or 4 years old. Here's the problem I have with it. You are probably thinking "Oh you haven't tried the right kind," or "You need to try my mom's..." No, Ladies and Gentlemen. I have tried many kinds and my statement remains the same. You can try over the years, but you won't convert me. Hey, it could be a lot worse. There are chocolate haters out there. Even chocolate doesn't do the trick when combining it with cheesecake. It doesn't hide anything. So what my problem is with cheesecake is the bitter nasty taste that immediately enters your mouth once you bite into it. It reminds me of sour milk or some dairy product that spoiled. It even smells funky. I don't have a problem with cream cheese or sour cream on baked potatoes or with vegetable dips, but really? Out of all things, you're going to put it with desert? Its even worse when you serve it with canned blueberries. That makes me want to :() auuugggghhhhh. Hence, my statement below that I absolutely love, and have made it my lock screen on my ipod.
It cracks me up because its like, when you're having a bad day, hate cheesecake. Don't blame it on your dog, your neighbor, your boss, your mom, or whoever is making you grumpy. Just hate cheesecake. JUST HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT! I have met very few individuals like me who cant stand the stuff. And their reasons are not like mine. They just don't like it because of the texture. For me texture is my least concern because the overwhelming nasty taste wont even allow me to feel texture. Today in school we had to share something unique about us. I shared that I hated cheesecake, and somebody in the back of the room shouted "who can hate cheesecake?" I could see that coming. It always does. But thats my whining topic today ladies and gentlemen. Just hate cheesecake. Then it will be a good day!

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