Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Exclusive look into the upcoming film of "Son of God." February 28th 2014!

Actress Roma Downey Says Her ‘Epic’ New Movie About Jesus Christ ‘Will Touch the Lives of Millions.’

Famed TV producer Mark Burnett and actress Roma Downey stunned audiences last year with “The Bible,” a popular History Channel miniseries that brought scenes from the holy text to life. Now, one year after the record-breaking show’s release, the husband-and-wife duo is set to bring Jesus to the big screen with “Son of God.”
The movie covers Christ’s life “from his humble birth through his teachings, crucifixion and ultimate resurrection,” according to an official description. While the film is meant to entertain, Downey told TheBlaze she’s also hoping “Son of God” has a monumental spiritual impact, too.
“We hope audiences leave theaters feeling they know Jesus more and also that they are reminded of how deeply he loved us,” she said. “This is a big, epic sweeping film — an exciting movie and sometimes a tense movie with intense drama and real danger.”
Downey said viewers will travel on “an intimate journey with Jesus” as his life — and death — are depicted in detail. From start to finish, Jesus, played by Portuguese actor Diogo Morgado, is shown as caring, prolific and in-tune with the masses and individuals he encountered throughout his ministry.
From his journey with the apostles to the events that led to his crucifixion, the film is character-driven in its quest to bring central portions of the New Testament to life.
“At the end you feel incredibly humbled and loved — reminded that we are all children of God,” Downey promised.
The jump from television to feature film wasn’t entirely unanticipated for Burnett and Downey, who said the two knew that the Jesus footage they filmed during the making of “The Bible” was special. In fact, additional scenes were captured in anticipation of a big screen project.
While “Son of God” doesn’t head to theaters until Feb. 28, feedback based on pre-screening events has left Downey more than encouraged.
“We have felt support across all denominations … businesses are buying out whole theaters and donating the seats to churches, encouraging folks to come opening weekend and to bring a friend and to bring the whole family,” she said. “We believe this message of hope and love will touch the lives of millions." 

Rated PG-13 for intense and bloody depiction of The Crucifixion, and for some sequences of violence.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My Frustration Topic

For many years I have dealt with frustration while trying to understand something.

The argument: Bach is known to be one of the greatest composers to ever live and is often the hardest to understand.

That may be true, but I have not arrived at that discovery for myself. Every day in our theory class we look over Bach's chorales over and over, and I have never been amazed, astonished, or excited while viewing/listening to any of them. They just make me want to leave the room and listen to something energy driven. What it comes down to is that if the music sounds fun, it probably isn't Bach. My argument is not to discredit or degrade, but to understand why he is celebrated. I can see how Beethoven is popular for writing music while being deaf. That is quite an accomplishment. His egmont oveture is pretty lively.

What I think greatness is vs. what college thinks is great:
To me greatness is taking something short and simple and creatively making it large and profound. I think its genius to take a short theme or phrase and build a enormous masterpiece from it by wrapping that short idea around and around the masterpiece. (Example: Dvorak Symphony #9 Movements 1-4) Not creating an 80 minute piece with 4 movements playing scattered notes all over the place leaving the audience nothing to whistle while exiting the theater. Writing that way is really confusing and can turn listeners into day dreaming mode.Some of these composers come to mind while mentioning this idea. Mozart, Beethoven, Shubert, Chopin, Bach, Brahms, etc. All of them make their pieces way too long, and don't stick to a creative melody for more than 5-10 seconds. A perfect example of this is Beethoven's 5th. The opening is the most memorable to the world, but very few remember the rest of it because it gets too complex after that.

Some examples of simplicity:
Christmas Music is fantastic because they are memorable, so simple, and easy to repeat. Have you ever heard of a christmas tune that is 60 minutes long with four movements? No. Jingle Bells, Silent Night, and I'm Dreaming Of A White Christmas are very simple and easy to remember.
Broadway music. These are just a few of the many fantastic examples of simple and profound. Phantom of the Opera, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, The Sound of Music, Les Miserables, etc.
Disney Music. Alan Menken is a pro at taking a very simple catchy melody (like "If I Never Knew You" or "Beauty and the Beast") and creating it into something that can give you chills.
Everyone can remember this music because if follows the rule of short and simple.

Be your own sound:
There are too many classical composers that don't sound original because they copy another composers style and sound. Mozart, Beethoven, and Shubert are all the same style. Tchaikovsky and Dvorak have a very different sound and their work is very original. There is no composer that has imitated a sound similar of The Nutcracker, Sleeping Beauty, or the New World Symphony. The second movement of #9 is beautiful and simple and follows the rule of simple. (It can also be sung to). Recently I presented some of my composing work to a cello professor for further direction and insight, who told me it was nice, but that it sounded too familiar and too similar to what the world already has. To be really successful, he said, I would need to find a sound that nobody else has yet found. Examples of great composers who are very successful at this are: John Williams, Alan Menken, Hans Zimmer, Danny Elfman, Randy Newman, James Newton Howard etc. None of them sound like eachother. Hans Zimmer would never be accused of copyrighting Randy Newman. Hans Zimmer is very aggressive and dark, and Randy Newman is Jazz-like and bright. It is very startling to me that professors and experts who I have talked to, have never heard of these composers.

Its ok to leave the box:
I think that some people think they believe what greatness is and they never leave their box to explore other types of music because they believe they have already found it all. I am talking about colleges and schools that are only open to classical music and no other genre. Honestly I think they worship it. Soundtrack music uses more variety and colors if you want to know the truth. There is a classical structure and routine that makes classical sound like classical. They don't use that structure for movies because it wouldn't be able to reach all emotions, textures, settings because of its limitations. I can't imagine using a Mozart or a Bach approach to write The Pirates of the Caribbean, Tangled, or Wicked. I'm not saying that classical doesn't have emotion. It does. It's just that classical sounds can only get so far. That's why after the classical music time period was over, all the rest of the music game out. (Gospel, Jazz, Alternative, etc.) And where classical can't reach certain sounds because of its limits, thats where the soundtrack genre comes in to help make up the difference.

I hope that you understand that my argument is not to discourage or put down classical music. It really is intelligence and art. I would rather have people listening to that than mainstream music today. Here is a bullet summary of my points.

  • Greatness is keeping things short and simple and building a profound masterpiece with the simplicity. (Example: Dvorak Symphony #9 Movements 1-4).
  • Be original when you write, and don't try to be anybody else.
  • Its ok to leave the box of classical art.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

A unforgettable experience

Last night it hit me that SON OF GOD was going to be an actual movie coming to theaters. For some reason it didnt click when I saw the advertisements on facebook. I guess I thought it was just review pictures of the Bible and titling him the Son of God. As soon as it made sense I got really excited and put together this collage to advertise to those who have never seen The Bible, that the life of Christ will be made into a real movie. When I saw The Passion, I thought it was really well done, but it didn't emphasize a lot of his life of miracles and teaching in the streets and cities. 

Ever since I watched the Bible, for the first time I felt a connection with the actor (Diogo Morgado) and it was real for me. All the other films I have seen (Finding Faith In Christ, Testaments, Reflections of Christ etc.) haven't reached to me in the way this Portuguese actor has. To me, this is Jesus. I've been listening to lots of Christian K-Love radio music and have found it has made my life better. The messages of truth and hope is so refreshing to hear. I was listening last night to "Just Say Jesus" by 7eventh Time Down and I was looking at this picture of Christ hugging Peter. This is the scene when Peter says he will fight for Jesus and won't fall away even if everyone else does. Jesus has lots of compassion and love at this moment and then tells him he will deny him 3 times. I think its so powerful. Just listening to "Just Say Jesus" and looking at these pictures below, gave me an overwhelming embrace of gratitude, love, and goosebumps. I felt the reality that He lives, and is ours to claim. I felt so special and full of warmth and felt emotional goodness. One thing that I have discovered through studying the Plan of Salvation is that our existence is everlasting and we really have an exciting future planed out for us. This life is the only time we have to face negativity and opposition. One of my goals is to be closer to the Savior and let His teachings and love guide me. I feel this movie has brought me the closer to Him. It is not that the other actors were doing anything wrong, I just think that everyone has a certain Jesus that connects with them best. I have had 3 days in my life when I have been exposed mentally and emotionally to pure light. I think its because I meditate and ponder so much and seek to understand a reality that I can't grasp and understand. As I was pondering I felt like I was rising above what we all think is reality into a different way of thinking feeling and understanding. That moment caused me to see how Christ is the "light of the world," how much he really is there for us, and how this eternal journey is an exciting one. For those of you out there who feel you don't get it. Keep pondering and speculating, light will shine through the cracks. Go to the temple if you have the opportunity. "Ask and ye shall recieve. Knock and it shall be opened unto you." I am confident that whatever Jesus tells us is going to happen. We can trust Him. Something else that I think is outstanding is that Jesus came to earth to show the world how He is just like His Father. If Heavenly Father came to earth, he would have taught the same things, performed the same miracles, and loved with as much strength. My favorite time of year is Easter with the melting snow, warm grass and birds singing. Blossoms falling from trees in the calm breeze, and the sunlight shining through the windows into the kitchen. I think it is the most beauty I could ask for in my life. I love General Conference during that time, and focusing and depending on an accurate holiday of Christs life. I just had to record another enlightening moment. I've had 3 that I can remember, and they are precious.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Keep Calm and Hate Cheesecake!!!

 First, I would like for you to take a look at the collage that I recently made.
That to me is the most disgusting thing you could do with food. I do have other problems with combinations (Mint and Chocolate, Chocolate with Oranges etc.) but this one is kind of ridiculous. I know that a lot of you are going to hate me, but I really am not a fan. In fact, I have never been a fan. I remember the first time my mom made me sit alone at the kitchen table and force down a piece of cheesecake. This was back when I was around 3 or 4 years old. Here's the problem I have with it. You are probably thinking "Oh you haven't tried the right kind," or "You need to try my mom's..." No, Ladies and Gentlemen. I have tried many kinds and my statement remains the same. You can try over the years, but you won't convert me. Hey, it could be a lot worse. There are chocolate haters out there. Even chocolate doesn't do the trick when combining it with cheesecake. It doesn't hide anything. So what my problem is with cheesecake is the bitter nasty taste that immediately enters your mouth once you bite into it. It reminds me of sour milk or some dairy product that spoiled. It even smells funky. I don't have a problem with cream cheese or sour cream on baked potatoes or with vegetable dips, but really? Out of all things, you're going to put it with desert? Its even worse when you serve it with canned blueberries. That makes me want to :() auuugggghhhhh. Hence, my statement below that I absolutely love, and have made it my lock screen on my ipod.
It cracks me up because its like, when you're having a bad day, hate cheesecake. Don't blame it on your dog, your neighbor, your boss, your mom, or whoever is making you grumpy. Just hate cheesecake. JUST HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT! I have met very few individuals like me who cant stand the stuff. And their reasons are not like mine. They just don't like it because of the texture. For me texture is my least concern because the overwhelming nasty taste wont even allow me to feel texture. Today in school we had to share something unique about us. I shared that I hated cheesecake, and somebody in the back of the room shouted "who can hate cheesecake?" I could see that coming. It always does. But thats my whining topic today ladies and gentlemen. Just hate cheesecake. Then it will be a good day!

Friday, January 3, 2014

"They don't want to feed us you ninny's. They want to kill us!"

Emily and I went to the store and we were surprised to see how much chocolate is available in almost every variety. Kids must not like their cereal anymore unless its chocolate!