Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Serving at DaLee's!

DaLee invited me to stay over and feel at home. We watched Les Miserables last night. I've never seen Kevin and DaLee cry so hard. It was a strong and emotional story about love, forgiveness, and redemption. Such a inspired and beautiful story. She went out and bought me my Dr. Pepper and Dill Pickle chips. She is such a service giver. I was able to pay her back today by coming with her to the bowling alley, and helping with work for four hours- washing dishes, mopping floors, and sanitizing the place. Right now she is exhausted lying on her bed and i'm up in the office writing in my journal and reading scriptures. Kevin, DaLee and I read scriptures and had prayers this morning before Kevin had to go to work. We read in Alma 55 about the drunken gift exchanges to the guards. Missy and Cloe are so cute. We took them out and gave them treats. Kevin sure loves to rile up Cloe and get her to run wild around the living room. Its fun and peaceful here. I really think its a spiritual atmosphere with lots to learn from and take with you when you go. DaLee taught me how to shave and helped me with my face, hair, and sunburned feet lol. Its fun to get away and visit.

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