Monday, August 19, 2013

Wrapping up a fantastic summer!

I have so many feelings... I am so grateful that I had this summer experience and that so many unexpected blessings came right into my lap. I have felt God's love and His Son's love in a fresh new dimension and depth. My last week was incredible. I ended up putting about 18 deals for the week and winning the 47 inch T.V. Also I won 2 go-pro camera's, 2 pairs of shoes, and headphones. I had so much doubt at the beginning of the summer as to do with pleasure, friendships, fun, and joy. I remember coming into my first hotel room being filled with hopelessness about making close friendships, having a blast, and making enough sales. I thought it would be lifeless and boring. I have never been so wrong in my life. God showed me my importance to Him through other people. Team impact helped me feel loved, appreciated, and valued. I was able to attend church and feel the spirit on a weekly basis. My manager Brett became my best friend of all. He was a real friend. Always wanting the best for me,by giving me motivation and courage to overcome my weaknesses so that I could be free and finally have happiness again. He was someone that would really listen, encourage and assist when necessary. He would always give me hugs and let me know how important I was. We wanted to find ways to be more obedient in our life. So we came up with an idea to have morning scripture study every morning. It was a great bonding time, and it was wonderful to share insights, questions, and answers. We used the Book of Mormon study manual to help us figure things out. I remember the first day we studied, I opened up preach my gospel and one of the first lines was: "Effective study always begins with prayer." We totally failed that day and laughed about how we dont know how to study effectively. From then on we made sure we had a prayer before and after. He introduced me to a highly addicting song "Come Thou Fount" by Mercy River. We put it on repeat and listened to it most of the day. I remember him calling me one day telling me he would pick me up in a few minutes and that he has a surprise for me. That morning he put on the talk by President Monson's daughter I'm a Mormon, I know it, I live it, and I love it. The way she spoke put so much love into my heart and opened up new revelation allowing me to feel and know a deeper connection with my Heavenly Father. Ive had love all my life, but for some reason this seemed to surpass all the love in my life. It was like a new level of love. Brett picked me up and we listened to Come Thou Fount. I remember looking out the car window at the clouds and feeling so overwhelmed with peace and joy while smoothly driving on the one lane'd pavement. A thought came to my mind because we had been talking about God and his attributes. I blurted out: "God is so awesome!!! He is just full of happiness and rewards!" It just brought a smile to Bretts face and he said "Yeah Buddy, He is!" The thoughts came to my mind that God only wants to uplift and reward us. Those who choose to disobey bring punishment only to themselves. God knows how to reward big and bring us the most joy. I would say that that week was the most inspiring week I have ever had in my life. I felt so connected with God and felt protected. I felt a true vision of how He felt about me. Brett and I parked the car a few days before and talked. I learned a lot about him and he learned a lot about me. Brett has shown me God's love just by his love. I just cant thank Heavenly Father enough for a fantatstic summer and the spiritual things I got to see. We had 2 baptisms and confirmations this summer. Patrick and Kym. It was neat to see Patrick get baptized, and then turn around and baptize Kym after getting the priesthood. I eventually saw all the blessings that were waiting for me at the end.

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