Sunday, March 10, 2013

Ward Conference

             Today was a special day because the Stake Presidency was visiting today. Its such a spiritual pack-combo when you look up there and see the Bishopric and the Stake Presidency all sitting up there. Its like a spiritual boost! I blessed the sacrament, and felt happy afterwards that I was able to serve. When we think about what the sacrament really means, then it strengthens our appreciation and attitude towards it. Bishop Tuller got up first to speak and did a wonderful job as usual. He talked about the Lion King and the message within that we should all "REMEMBER WHO [WE] REALLY ARE!"
            Then President Edington got up and gave his talk about how we can each be more like the 5 wise virgins and fill up our lamps and be ready. One of the specific ways we can prepare to be ready is to go to the temple. I think we made a goal for each YSA member to go to the temple during this year. I felt the spirit so strong all day, and came home and read my scriptures. I really look up to righteous leaders that inspire and show the way. Each time I meet somebody that inspires me, I think of Nephi, or Joseph Smith, and wonder what they were like. John the Baptist was considered one of the greatest preachers of all time. I would like to meet him and see how far he impresses me. It would be so cool. I ran into some scriptures today that inspired me to be better.
  • Philippians 3:14 I apress toward the mark for the bprize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
  • Philippians 2:14 Do all things without murmurings and adisputings:
  • Revelation 3:21 To him that aovercometh will I grant to bsit with me in my cthrone, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. 
These just inspired me to overcome my troubles and temptations. I hope they help you as a reader also.

Here is a awesome picture that expresses the power of the Book of Mormon.

Here is a picture of the Temple:

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