Monday, March 11, 2013

Disney Hunchback Release

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~In 1482 Paris, Clopin, a gypsy puppeteer, narrates the origin of the titular hunchback. A group of gypsies sneak illegally into Paris, but are ambushed by Judge Claude Frollo, the minister of justice, and his guards. A gypsy woman from the group attempts to flee with her deformed baby, but Frollo pursues and kills her outside Notre Dame. He tries to kill the baby as well, saying that it is an "unholy demon" from Hell, but is confronted by the cathedral's archdeacon, who accuses Frollo of murdering an innocent woman. To atone for his sin, Frollo agrees to raise the deformed child in Notre Dame as his son, naming him Quasimodo.

Twenty years later, Quasimodo develops into a kind yet isolated young man who dreams of seeing life outside the bell tower, but is told by Frollo that he is a monster and would be rejected by the outside world. A trio of living stone gargoyles serve as Quasimodo's only company and friends. The gargoyles urge Quasimodo to attend the annually-held Festival of Fools. He goes but is stopped by Frollo who tells him he should stay inside the bell tower and forgives Quasimodo. Despite Frollo's warnings, Quasimodo attends the festival and he is celebrated for his bizarre appearance, only to be humiliated by the crowd after Frollo's men start a riot. Frollo refuses to help Quasimodo, but Esmeralda, a kind gypsy, intervenes by freeing the hunchback, and uses a magic trick to evade arrest. Frollo confronts Quasimodo and sends him back inside the cathedral.

Esmeralda follows Quasimodo to find him, but is herself followed by Captain Phoebus of Frollo's guard. Phoebus does not approve of Frollo's methods and refuses to arrest her for alleged witchcraft inside Notre Dame and has her confined to the cathedral. Esmeralda, under the suggestion of the Archdeacon, offers a prayer to God to help her and the outcast. Esmeralda finds and befriends Quasimodo, who helps her escape Notre Dame out of gratitude for defending him. Esmeralda entrusts Quasimodo a pendant containing a map to the gypsies' hideout, the Court of Miracles. Frollo soon develops lustful feelings for Esmeralda and upon realizing them, Frollo begs the Virgin Mary (referring to her as Maria) to save him from her "spell" to avoid eternal damnation, upon learning of her escape, initiates a city-wide manhunt for her in which he burns down numerous houses which would shelter gypsies in his way. The gargoyles try to make him feel better about himself. Phoebus, now realizing Frollo's evil reputation, defies him after being ordered to burn down the home of an innocent family and is ordered to be executed, but flees. Phoebus is briefly injured and falls into a river, but Esmeralda rescues him and takes him to Notre Dame for refuge.

Frollo returns to Notre Dame later that night and knowing that Quasimodo helped Esmeralda escape, bluffs that he knows about the Court of Miracles and that he intends to attack at dawn. Using the map Esmeralda gave Quasimodo, he and Phoebus find the court to warn the gypsies, only for Frollo to follow them and capture all the gypsies present. Frollo prepares to burn Esmeralda at the stake after refusing his advances, but Quasimodo, chained up inside the Bell Tower, manages to free himself and rescue her in time, bringing her to the cathedral. Phoebus frees himself and the gypsies and rallies the citizens of Paris against Frollo and his men, who attempt to break into the cathedral. Quasimodo and the gargoyles pour molten copper onto the streets to ensure no one enters, but Frollo successfully breaks in and pursues Quasimodo and Esmeralda to the balcony where he and Quasimodo both stumble off the cathedral. Frollo falls to his death in the molten copper, while Quasimodo is caught by Phoebus on a lower floor. Afterward, Quasimodo is encouraged by Phoebus and Esmeralda to leave the cathedral into the outside world, where the citizens hail him as a hero and accept him into society.

Also released:
Brother Bear-

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Ward Conference

             Today was a special day because the Stake Presidency was visiting today. Its such a spiritual pack-combo when you look up there and see the Bishopric and the Stake Presidency all sitting up there. Its like a spiritual boost! I blessed the sacrament, and felt happy afterwards that I was able to serve. When we think about what the sacrament really means, then it strengthens our appreciation and attitude towards it. Bishop Tuller got up first to speak and did a wonderful job as usual. He talked about the Lion King and the message within that we should all "REMEMBER WHO [WE] REALLY ARE!"
            Then President Edington got up and gave his talk about how we can each be more like the 5 wise virgins and fill up our lamps and be ready. One of the specific ways we can prepare to be ready is to go to the temple. I think we made a goal for each YSA member to go to the temple during this year. I felt the spirit so strong all day, and came home and read my scriptures. I really look up to righteous leaders that inspire and show the way. Each time I meet somebody that inspires me, I think of Nephi, or Joseph Smith, and wonder what they were like. John the Baptist was considered one of the greatest preachers of all time. I would like to meet him and see how far he impresses me. It would be so cool. I ran into some scriptures today that inspired me to be better.
  • Philippians 3:14 I apress toward the mark for the bprize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
  • Philippians 2:14 Do all things without murmurings and adisputings:
  • Revelation 3:21 To him that aovercometh will I grant to bsit with me in my cthrone, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. 
These just inspired me to overcome my troubles and temptations. I hope they help you as a reader also.

Here is a awesome picture that expresses the power of the Book of Mormon.

Here is a picture of the Temple:

Only a few days left!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Sunday Musical Number

I was asked by Quinn DeFriez to provide a musical number for the Pioneer care center in town. At first I couldnt think of what to come up with for a piano musical number because all I knew on the piano was Disney. So I got the idea to perform A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief by Kyle Warr. I grabbed my iPod and leared it in a week. After my performance, many tears were shed, and a man thanked me and said that the performance was beyond works to express. He gave me he Grandpa Madsen cry and thanked me. Many people were so deeply impressed. Thats what I wanted. I wanted the music to dive deep into their soul. Im trying not to care about the attention and praise. Just to focus on the music. It was a sweet experience.