Sunday, September 23, 2012

Brigham City Temple Dedication

Today was such a special celebration for our new Brigham City Temple. Brother and Sister Tams both spoke and I really believed they could both speak in General Conference, their talks were that good. I felt the spirit of the Lord. A new commitment to keep all of the commandments, and to live worthily to fulfill my duty to return to the temple often. President Packer and Russell M. Nelson were present for the dedication. It was such a terrific day. Feelings of my mission returned and I always feel that the Holy Ghost peels away cloudy confusion, and also reveals bits and pieces of reality that lead to commitment, appreciation, and greater action. Its hard to feel that way every day. But I want to make sure the Lord sees me in His temple often.

So later today, still dressed in my clothes, I text everybody on my home teaching list because it is getting later in the month and ask them when they are available. Terry Bradbury responded anytime. I asked if today would work. He said yes. So I texted my companion Tommy Raisor about this, and he said he was available. I told him i'd meet him at his house in 10 mins. I told Terry to give us both (my companion and I) about 20 mins. So I for some reason read one of my people, instead of my companion, and went to his address. I called him up because 515 was showing on the house and not 513. He told me he was downstairs. So I foolishly asked him whether he wanted to ride with me since I was right there, or I could go with him, or we could drive separately. I got the response that I deserved for my stupidity. Confused he replied "Go Where?" I was surprised and said "to Terry Bradbury's." He then said "This is Terry Bradbury." I felt really dumb and apologized. I told him I would be right back with my companion. So i drove over to Tommy's house and we both had a ride so he followed me over. I shared the message in the September Ensign which talked about sharing the gospel and being ready to. It was quite the adventure.

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